Pacific Northwest natives are our specialty, but we offer a wide variety of other plants retail. We grow over two hundred plant species and are always adding more. We serve our local, bioregional area as well as projects throughout the Pacific Northwest. We will grow on contract and also maintain several acres of cutting blocks/hedges for live stakes, which we can offer at very competitive prices. We offer revegetation services and consultation on NW plantings.We collect seeds all over the region and can custom collect for projects with enough lead time. It's always a pleasure when we can be involved in something from seed to seed.
The button below takes you to our availability list, as of January 2017. It's primarily native plants, but we're gradually adding some of our non-native, unusual ornamental, edible, medicinal, native compatible and other retail plants - hey, we just love plants. Inquire for wholesale and retail prices.
Oregon Association of Nurseries
Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association
Specialty Nursery Association of Clark County
The Seed Savers Exchange
Past Clients & Partners
The City of Portland
The City of Vancouver
The City of Seattle
King County
Clark County Public Works
Cowlitz County Public Works
The Cowlitz Indian Tribe
WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation)
The Willapa Audubon Society
Lower Columbia College
Lower Columbia School Gardens
The City of Longview- Mint Farm Wetland Mitigation Project
The Master Gardeners of Cowlitz County
NatureScaping of Southwest Washington
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church- Green Faith Program
TransAlta Centralia
CREST (Columbia River Estuary Task Force)
North Coast Watershed Association
Cowlitz Conservation District
Natural Resources Conservation Service
SW Region Department of Natural Resources
Green Tree Landscaping, Inc.
Ecological Land Services, Inc.
Sunmark Environmental Services
Columbia Land Trust
Washington State Native Plant Society